
Jajale Himal Trek

The Jaljale Himal trekkng trip offers an outstanding trip into wilderness. At the begining this trip offers local cultural shows as well as rhododendron forest views. Later it is into the wildernss for several days with magnificent views of Mt. Everest, Mt. Lhotse, Mt. Makalu and the third highest peak of the world is Kanchanjunga.

Trekking in the remote

Jaljale HImal trekking trip This trip lies in the eastern part of Nepal and. It offers majestic himalayan views, diverse culture and many more.
Nepal offers hundreds trekking destinations to the adventure enthusiasts throughout the country. Nepal has incredible varieties in the trekking and during trekking in Nepal, one can observe valued culture and tradition of the locals and different species of vegetations and wildlife.
This is a trekking which goes through dense rhododendron forests, high rocky mountain, and great panorama of the lower valley and magnificent views of high mountains. Some of these magnificent mountains are: The third tallest mountain Kanchanjunga 8,586 meters. The tallest mountain on earth Mt. Everest 8,848 meters. The fourth tallest mountain Mt. Lhotse 8,516 meters, Mt. Makalu 8,486 meters and many other snow mountains.
The experience that we get from this trekking is outstanding and inexplicable with words. We begin our trip by a flight to the Tumlingtar some time in the afternoon. Tumlingtar is an elevated land from the lower valley and it is a small beautiful village with hot and humid temperature along the bank of the mighty Arun River. It is a point from where the Arun valley trekking starts. This is a junction for the eastern region trekking route. Most of the trekking trips starts from Tumlingtar and leads forward into different directions. Normally our trekking starts on Thursday from Tumlingtar.
There is a market day or Hat Bazaar in Chainpur. Chainpur is a small market area and it holds a weekly Hat Bazaar. Once it was district headquarter of Sankhuwasabha district but now headquarter has been shifted to Khandbari. traditional center for local people and once it was a district administrative headquarters of Chainpur now it has moved to Khandbari). On friday local people bring their items to sell in this market and buy others products for their daily need. This is a traditional route to Topkegola, especially for the Yak herders. This route is quite incredible and it is tricky during the winter. Contact us for more information for this trekking trip. Also, you may be interested exploring this URL