

High-Solu Trekking

Mt. Everest view from Peake

High-Solu: a wonderful trekking destination; geographically spectacular and culturally fascinating!High-solu is one of the great trekking destination in the lower parts of Mt. Everest regions. Destination can easily be reached by flight or by driving from Kathmandu. Trip can be…

Mardi-Himal Trek

Mt. Mardi adjacent Mt. fishtail

Mardi Himal trekking offers superb Himalayan views including some of the highest peaks in the region. Among them, the Mt. Annapurna I (8091m.), Mt. Dhauglagiri (8167m.), and other many snowy high peaks of ther region. Specially the Annapurna himalayas range…

Jajale Himal Trek

Mt. Kanchanjunga

The Jaljale Himal trekkng trip offers an outstanding trip into wilderness. At the begining this trip offers local cultural shows as well as rhododendron forest views. Later it is into the wildernss for several days with magnificent views of Mt.…

Upper Mustang Trek

Tiji at Lomanthan

Upper Mustang is the most rich cutural site to visit in Nepal. Dozens monasteries are really old. Some of these monasteries are built in the seventh sentury and still standing there. However, later some of them have been renovated by…

Renjola Pass Trek

view from renjola pass

One of most gorgious trekking trip in the Mt. Everest region. The first part of the trip is crowded and the second part of the trip is less crowded. This route takes us via Thame, which is a great for…

Langtang Trekking Trip

view from below ganjala

Langtang trekking trip is the third most crowded trekking destination in Nepal. However, it links several trekking destination from one to another. Such trekking trips are: Ganesh Himal, Langtang, Gosaikunda and Helambu. It lies just north west of Kathmandu valley.…

Manaslu and Rupinala trip

View from Larkela pass

Rupinala and Manaslu trekking trips is one of the most remote trekking destination in Nepal. The trip begins by driving west from Kathmandu and the starting point is the historical district of Nepal Gorkha. One of the the greatest trip…

Everest From Gokyo

Mt. Everst view from gokyo ri

On top of the world, the Everest from Gokyo trekking trip is best destination. This trip is less crowded comparing to the main trekking trip to the Mt. Everest base camp trip. One of the life time journey for trekkers.…

East Nepal Treks

Reflection of himlayas

Guphapokhari is one of the best destination for a short trekking trip in the east Nepal. This place is one of great for a easy trekking and views are awesome. Trip can be done by taking 45 minutes flight to…

Everest Mini Trek

Mt. Kwangde

One of the shortest trekking trip in the Mt. Everst region is the Everst mini trekking trip. It can be done by taking a flight to the Lukla and walk to Namche, Thame, Khumjung, Everest view Hotel and back to…

Day Hike

Himalays views during hike

Himalayas view from Chandragiri hills. In a clear day the views of himalaya are awesome. This sightseeing can be done by cable car riding as well. but walking is great. Nepal with a great advantage in natural walking for couple…

Everest Low Altitude

At Kalapatthar

Everest from low altitude One of the life time experiences. One must go to the region to experience culture, tradition and the majestic views of the great Himalaya. It takes us to the heaven. It is hard and a little…